Principal's Report 


Our reports for Semester 2 will be emailed to parents early next week and will provide feedback for students as to how they have performed over a range of assessment tasks.  In the reports parents will also find the ACER Numeracy and Reading test given to all students in Year 7 -10 during  Term 4 to assist in identifying any gaps in learning.  To assist with improving student learning in 2021, the Department of Education has given extra funding for all schools to provide intensive tutoring programs in Maths and English. Further details will be provided to families as to how this tutoring program will work when we commence next year.  I encourage parents to set aside some time to discuss with their children the feedback from the semester reports and ACER test results and help them to identify their new learning goals for the 2021 school year.

Farewell to Staff - 2020 

It is always with sadness that we acknowledge and farewell the following staff who will be leaving St John’s at the end of the year and thank them for their service to our community.  I wish them well for the next stage of their careers.


Mr Dan Bellis                                                             Mr Luke Bluck                                                     

Mr Alex Bogoiavlenski                                            Miss Catherine Bortolus                                                 

Mr Roland Clements                                               Mr Zane Fernandes                                       

Ms Helen Kelly                                                          Ms Carolina Laing                                               

Ms Trish Maguire                                                     Mr Clive Moore                                           

Ms Anne Smith                                                          Mr Michael Toomey 

Miss Shantelle Wills                                                

Ms Fiona Busuttil                                                                     

I also extend a warm welcome for 2021 to the following staff who have been appointed to St John’s or are returning after a leave of absence.


Ms Dayna Foden Bell                                    

Mr David Fong                                                   

Mr Adam Gordon                                                  

Ms Sue Hastings                                               

Mr John Rhynehart                                      

Ms Samantha Hadley                                      

Mr Peter Samuel

Miss Anna Nguyen 

Mr Nathan Yap


I also congratulate Mr Eammon Farrelly on his appointment to the position of Religious Education Leader and Coach for the next 4 years.

Class of 2020

Congratulations to the Class of 2020 whose Virtual Graduation Ceremony took place on Friday night. We were not able to celebrate this event in the usual way this year but families took the opportunity on Friday night to gather their loved ones together and celebrate their young people and all the hard work that has allowed them to attain this significant achievement.


I congratulate the following graduates who received awards for leadership and school spirit as part of the virtual ceremony.

Lasallian Award                 Christopher Jorissen

Presentation Award         Kaitlyn Suson 

Spirit of St John                 Caroline Sleit


 I also thank and acknowledge the following people for their contribution to the production of this year’s Virtual Graduation ceremony : Fr Brendan , Andrew Schoenmaekers, College Captains Aker Mawith and Tofy Jorissen,  Mr Tim Swan, Mr Jan Holewa, Mr Mark Alexander, Mr Simon Massouras, Dr Janine Biggin, Mr Greg Van Es and all of our House Leaders.

Assistance with ATAR Results 

The final results for the Class of 2020 will arrive for our students on the 30th of December. This will be followed by the delivery of first round offers in the middle of January.  To assist with the process of change of preferences for students our Careers and Pathways Leader Ms Leanna Bailey will be available on the 30th and 31st of December.  I thank Ms Bailey for the provision of this assistance and you will find in the careers section of this newsletter the process by which you can contact Ms Bailey and other senior members of staff on the 30th and 31st of December.

Congratulations – Linh Nguyen Facey Awards

I congratulate Linh Nguyen, who has been awarded the Frank Facey Award in 2020.


Each year, local business Facey Industrial offers prizes to Y12 students studying Commerce-related subjects in the Dandenong region based on their level of commitment and dedication toward their studies. Linh will receive $1,500 cash, to go towards her next stage of learning at university.  I congratulate Linh and the following students who were nominated by their commerce teachers Ms Bingham, Mr Graham and Ms Sherrard.


The students and their homerooms are:

  • Akech Nyoul (LE3)
  • Hai Vu (PH1)
  • Hriday Nayyar (AQ2)
  • Marious De Silva (PH3)
  • Rim Simon (MO6)
  • Shenal Amarasekara (PH4)

Junior STEM Building on the Way

Construction of our long-awaited Junior STEM Centre will begin in January.  This two-story state of the art facility will assist our interdisciplinary approach to the teaching of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics which not only promotes engagement with real world ideas and challenges, but equips our students with the crucial skills of communication, problem solving, creativity and teamwork.  Demolition of the old Columba Building will take place over the summer holidays and replaced with the new $5m STEM centre built adjacent to the Graduates Restaurant and Patisserie.

Shared Stories Anthology 2020

Over 25 Catholic Schools in Melbourne participate in the production of the Shared Stories Anthology which this year saw our students contribute art works, short stories and poetry under the theme of  “Respect”.  The Anthology is published each year in the State and National Libraries which is a wonderful acknowledgement and achievement for our students.  I also congratulate student Renee Duncombe of Yr 9 who featured in the Virtual launch of this years Shared Stories.  I wish to thank our Arts & Engagement Leader Ms Tania Robinson, Communications Leader Ms Lisa Finamore  and Year 9 English Teacher Mr Rhett Joachim for their encouragement and development of  our students work this year.  I congratulate the following students for the beautiful work they have contributed this year.


Renee Duncombe

Valmira Dzelan

Talia Sequeira Leo

Tameka Haggett

Johnah Tsouglis

Brieyanney Lay

Shayla Trejo



Anabel Solorzano, 

Kiara Lay

Meayjowk Opiew, 

Quratullance Ali

Adam Gilchrest

Alliyah Manoop, 

Kalani Sepalage, 

Charlie Barry,

Chloe Johns

Vanessa Suson

Georgia Maxwell

Anthony Heng

Majellan Article

I congratulate senior students Aker Mawith, Hriday Nayyer and Maria Hinen on their contribution to the recent edition of the Majellan magazine.  Majellan asked our students and those from Star of the Sea College, Brighton the following questions: How has the virus affected your studies this year? How has your education been affected?  Do you think you’ve missed out on anything?  And do you have concerns for your future job prospects, whether it be at university, a trade, or something else?


Their responses reflected their maturity, positive outlook and resilience.  We are very proud of these fine young men and women from St John’s and wish them all the best in their future studies and career pathways.

Sports Bonanza

Under brilliant skies, this year’s Sports Bonanza gave our year 7-9 students an opportunity to use the entire range of new sporting facilities at St John’s.  House against House competed against each other in soccer and volleyball tournaments and the quest to find the fastest 100 metre runners in the school.  I congratulate Monoceros House on winning the day overall and taking an early lead into the race for the 2021 House Championship cup.  My thanks to Sports Coordinator Mark Alexander and all the staff who contributed to a wonderful day for our students.

Lantern CAFÉ Project

Senior students Matt Cross and Ben Bailey returned after official VCAL classes had ended for the year to put the final touches to the VCAL Lantern Café project.  The CAFÉ will be open to parents and staff next year and our students will use this as a base project to cover the outcomes of their VCAL Program which includes Literacy, Numeracy, Personal Development Skills and Work related skills.

Kwong Lee Dow – Melbourne University: Young Scholars Program

I congratulate William Sciberras from Year 10 on his selection into the Class of 2022 Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholars.  The Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholars Program offers participants the opportunity to mix with like-minded peers and future leaders.  Over the next two years William will attend a tailored program of events and activities at Melbourne University which will enhance his secondary studies, inform his career plans and provide opportunities to interact with the University community.  He was recognised from 1,700 secondary applications from across Victoria.  I congratulate William on this wonderful acknowledgment of his academic achievements.

Office Hours 

The College Office will close for the Christmas Holidays on the 18th of December at 12 noon and will reopen at 8am on the 18th of January 2021.

Merry Christmas

At the end of a difficult year for us all, I give thanks for the support and good health of all members of our community staff, students and parents.  As we look forward to the special gatherings of family and loved ones in the Christmas and the holiday season ahead, I pray for Jesus Christ’s wish of Peace and Joy for you all.  I look forward to everyone's safe return for the 2021 school year.   God Bless.




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