From the Classroom

I wonder what happens on the first few days of school?


Welcome back to what will be an exciting and engaging year of learning for our students, parents and teachers. The vibe around our school on the Friday was one of happiness to see friends and a little trepidation as we all embrace new classrooms, roles, teachers, school and classmates. 


At the core of our work in the first few days of the year is the establishment of well-managed classrooms where teacher leadership is positive, calm and respectful.  Well-established core classroom routines contribute to the preferred classroom climate we aim for at Boroondara Park P.S. We invest time at the start of the school year to teach these routines.


Core classroom routines apply to:

Teaching appropriate ‘noise levels’

Calm/orderly entry to classroom

Pack-up, clean-up and an ‘orderly’ exit from classroom

Appropriate seating plans

Whole class settling cues

Appropriate movement around classroom


By establishing and practising routines that require little monitoring, we ensure that the focus of the classroom is more clearly on instruction.


Establishing these classroom routines forms part of our Whole School Start Up program.  The Start Up program aims to create a positive climate for learning by empowering students and building school pride. As part of this, teachers implement a variety of activities that aim to develop student to student and student to teacher relationships. These may be in the form of 'getting to know you' activities, reading and responding to a letter from the teacher or sharing personal experiences.


Term Overviews 


Each term, we publish our planning overviews on the school's website under 'Curriculum -Curriculum Planners'. You will find information about the focus areas for Numeracy, Literacy, Integrated Curriculum and the Specialist Programs. 


Compiled by

Shannon Reeve

Leading Teacher – Curriculum Development