Principals Reflection



  1. It FEELS good! Gratitude is a positive emotion and when you experience a positive emotion the bliss or reward centre of your brain lights up. Cool, right!
  2. It improves your MOOD, mental health and life satisfaction. Practicing gratitude helps to lessens the symptoms of anxiety and other negative emotions. It challenges your negative thought patterns, helping to calm you down and boost your mood.
  3. It helps you feel more CONNECTED. When you recognise other people for what they do for you it helps to strengthen your relationship with them. You can feel greater connection and feel more satisfied with friends, family, school, community and yourself. It will help you feel more secure and valued by others.
  4. It increases your RESILIENCE. Practising gratitude helps you bounce back from stressful events and helps you deal with tough times, by helping you to stop holding onto negative emotions.
  5. It improves your PHYSICAL HEALTH. Practising gratitude strengthens your immune system, reduces the symptoms of illness, and helps to make you less bothered by aches and pains.
  6. It increases your ENGAGEMENT. Practising gratitude makes you more generous and compassionate towards others, and helps keep you engaged in your schoolwork and hobbies, as well as making you less materialistic.

I am eternally grateful for my family!


Sunday was a very special day for all our mums. 

We hope you all had a lovely day.


Here is a short celebration of our staff and their mums - Thank You and Happy Mothers Day!