Religious Education News 

Carmela Vozzo 

Religious Education Leader 

Catholic Education Week March 13th - 20th 2022

Loving God, 

We thank you for our Catholic school communities in the Archdiocese of Melbourne.

We pray that we may walk ‘the way of the gospel’ together, as we accompany each other in our learning this year. 

May the Holy Spirit guide us and give us new eyes, new ears and open hearts, helping us to bring your love to all we encounter. 

We ask this prayer through Jesus our Lord and teacher, Amen.


As Catholic communities of Faith, Hope and Love, we celebrate “The Way of the Gospel” this week in Catholic Education Week. This theme challenges us to find the Living Christ in our midst and to respond and adapt to the questions asked in each generation.

  1. Where do we find the Living Christ in our midst?
  2. How might our Catholic School Communities continue to bring life to The Way of the Gospel today and in the future?
  3. How might families, students, and staff continue to bring life to The Way of the Gospel?

As we begin our journey, we enter into reflection and prayer, calling upon the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us.

Together we pray- 

Loving God,

We humbly seek your wisdom, courage and guidance as we re commit ourselves to “The Way of the Gospel.”

Through Jesus we pray. Come Holy Spirit.


St Patrick’s Day - 17th March

Today we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day - the patron saint of Ireland

Patrick was born in Britain to wealthy parents in 387. At the age of 16 pirates attacked his family home, kidnapped him and took him to Ireland where he was sold as a slave. During these six lonely and sad years, he worked as a shepherd and prayed to God everyday for assistance because most of the people in Ireland were pagans. One day he heard a voice telling him to escape. Patrick escaped to France where he studied to become a priest. When he was 60 years old he returned to Ireland because he wanted to teach the Irish about his faith in God. He used the famous Shamrock leaf to teach the people about the Trinity. He died after much suffering and living in poverty in 461.

Each year the Irish community around the world celebrates St. Patrick on 17th March. This is springtime in the Northern hemisphere, so the colour green is worn to commemorate him. The four leaf clover and the leprechaun are symbols of good luck for the Irish community.

A well known Irish Blessing:

May the road rise up to meet you.

May the wind be always at your back. 

May the sun shine warm upon your face;

the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,

may God hold you in the palm of His hand.


Happy St Patrick’s Day to all the Irish families in our community.



God Bless!  

Mrs Vozzo