From the Deputy 

  Mr Anthony Speranza

Student Wellbeing

Last Thursday the school staff had the opportunity to gather and participate in professional development in two approaches to student wellbeing, Positive Behaviour Learning (PBL) and School Wide Positive Behaviour Interventions and Supports (SWPBIS). Both of these approaches are evidence-based and effective when implemented with consistency across the school. As a result, you might start to notice changes around the school or in discussion with your child particularly about highlighting positive behaviour. The school has reviewed a range of reward and praise systems which you will learn about in due course. Overall, our aim is to instil a positive belief in each child to make positive choices in all areas of the school as they relate to our school norms; Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible.


COVID Update

Mask recommendations for students and staff continue to be in place. We have received a large amount of masks from the Department of Health and MACS (Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools), and should your child arrive at school without a mask but desires to wear one, their classroom teacher will have ample supply.

Twice weekly Rapid Antigen Testing remains in place for Term 1, there will be another pack issued to students towards the end of next week. A reminder that if anyone in your household tests positive to COVID19, that all children of the household must isolate and not attend school for a period of 7 days, regardless of PCR or RAT test result.

If you have any COVID related questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.


National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence (Friday 18th March)

Tomorrow is National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence. The theme for 2022 is Kindness Culture. By building Kindness Culture together, we can promote inclusion, respect and community belonging for all students in schools across Australia. This year there is also a particular focus on being kind online, which encourages students to block content, report it and support each other if they see or experience cyberbullying. Students will be participating in a range of these activities tomorrow and in the next week.


National Harmony Day (Monday 21st March)

Next week is Harmony Week, a celebration of Australia’s cultural diversity. In schools we celebrate inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for all Australians, from the traditional custodians of the land to those who have come from many countries around the world. The ongoing theme of Harmony Week is “everyone belongs”. Harmony Week is a time of cultural respect for all. On Monday, students will participate in activities that help them to learn and understand how all Australians equally belong to this nation and enrich it. 


Orange is the colour chosen to represent Harmony Week. Traditionally, orange signifies social communication and meaningful conversations. It also relates to the freedom of ideas and encouragement of mutual respect. On Monday 21st March, students may wear a touch of orange for supporting cultural diversity and an inclusive Australia. This could be an accessory, head piece, additional item of clothing, or maybe a pair of socks. Please note that the school uniform (St. Mary’s shorts, top, dresses, etc.)  are still to be worn on this day.


Ride2School Day (Friday 25th March 2022)

St. Mary’s Primary School will be celebrating National Ride2School Day on Friday 25th March 2022.


On this day, students are encouraged to actively travel to school. This means:

RIDE / WALK / SCOOT / SKATE to school!


Do you live far away? “Part of the way is OK!”


Families who need to arrive by car are encouraged to park a few blocks away and allow time for active travel.


We are encouraging students to decorate their bikes / scooters / helmets, etc. on this day, or perhaps wear a fun or decorative accessory or costume. (Please note, school uniform is still required.)


On Friday 25th March students are encouraged to arrive at 8:30am via the top gate to the playground. Families are invited to stay for a parade commencing at 8:50am before students move off to classes.