School Nurse


Nurse Cecile 

Managing illness in schools – information for parents and carers

One of the most important things we can do to slow the spread of COVID-19 in our school community is to stay at home when we are unwell, even when we have the mildest of symptoms. Unfortunately we have had a spike in the number of cases of coronavirus at school this week, so we all need to play a part in reducing the spread.

What you need to know

If your child is unwell, even with the mildest of symptoms, they must stay home.

  • If a child becomes unwell during the day, they should be collected from school as soon as possible. 

If your child has any symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) below, however mild, they should get tested for COVID-19:

  • fever
  • chills or sweats
  • cough
  • sore throat
  • shortness of breath
  • runny nose
  • loss of sense of smell or taste

Some people may also have headache, muscle soreness, stuffy nose, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea.

Your child can be tested with a rapid antigen test at home, or a PCR test. They must stay at home until they receive a negative result and their symptoms have resolved.

If a rapid antigen test is negative but your child is symptomatic, your child should have a PCR test done.

Find advice about getting tested, as well as parent and carer information about rapid antigen testing



If your child has a positive COVID-19 test, they must stay at home

We would like to thank all parents and students for their ongoing support in practicing COVIDSafe measures. At school we continue to use hand sanitiser frequently, social distance where possible, promote correct wearing of face masks, and promote ventilation in our areas of work. We also encourage families to continue testing twice a week, or when symptoms develop. Together we are all doing what we can to keep each other safe.

We wish all those isolating a speedy recovery.


Warm regards,

Nurse Cecile