This year Cavendish Primary School students will be sitting their NAPLAN tests online this year (aside from Year 3 Writing). NAPLAN Online uses an adaptive test design, which presents questions that better match student achievement levels and provides more precise results for teachers and schools. NAPLAN will begin on Tuesday the 10th of May. I recently completed a NAPLAN Coordinator course which was incredibly helpful in learning about the NAPLAN Online system and how it will be implemented within our school. 


On Wednesday the 23rd of March, we will be participating in a Coordinated Practice Test which is where all participating students across the country complete a practise test online allowing NAPLAN to check if their system will handed all of the users. As this is very new for Cavendish Primary School students, Year 3 and 5 students have had opportunities to practise using the NAPLAN Online platform, allowing them to become familiar with the tools and functions that they have access to. 


To get an idea of what the tests look like, feel free to visit the public demonstration site or read more about NAPLAN Online.


2022 Key Dates

Wednesday 23rd of March – Coordinated Practice Test

Tuesday 10th of May – NAPLAN Online testing commences

Friday 20th of May – NAPLAN Online testing concludes




Miss Thompson