Junior School 

With Heather McClure

Another busy week has drawn to a close in the Junior school.


This week has seen year 9 students complete their Morrisby testing during their careers classes. In the coming weeks, students will participate in the interview process which will assist students in understanding their individual results.


Friday’s Athletic sports was a fantastic day. The sun was shining and it was great to see so many students dressed in their house colours and participating in all of the events.


A reminder that winter is coming! Unfortunately with winter brings the cold Ballarat mornings.  I encourage all students to review their winter uniform over the coming break to ensure that students return to school in full school uniform.


Students are required to bring a note from a parent/carer if they are out of uniform and present at the Junior school office between 8.45 - 9am for a uniform pass.  If you are experiencing difficulty purchasing uniform, please do not hesitate to contact the relevant Year Level leader or myself to discuss support.


Heather McClure