Year 10 Work Experience

Week 5 Term 2 - Monday 23rd MAY - Friday  27th MAY

All year 10 students should be currently deciding what they want to do for Work Experience and approaching employers (either via phone or in person) to organise a placement before the end of this term. Once student have secured a placement, they must see Carolyn to collect Work Experience Arrangement forms that need to be completed by the employer.


Work Experience dates: Week 5 Term 2 (Monday 23rd May to Friday 27th May 2022).


Why do Work Experience?

Arranging and completing your Work Experience is a real life-learning situation in which you will be expected to cultivate and master new skills. The manner in which you do this is an opportunity to show yourself and the school community your organisational ability, your level of responsibility and your ability to work within clearly defined deadlines.

Why do Work Experience?

  • To encourage you to explore connections between school studies and career pathways
  • To create opportunities for you to engage in communication with adults in a setting other than school or at home
  • To assist you in becoming aware of the realities of the workplace
  • To explore career options and to reflect on your skills and abilities realistically by experiencing one sample of the workplace
  • To help develop self-confidence and experience in approaching people in workplaces.
  • To help in writing resumes and letter and in using the telephone
  • To help you with your career decision making process
  • To provide you with an Employer Evaluation Report that can be used as a reference for casual/part-time work.

If you have any questions about the Work Experience program, please contact Shannon O’Shea (Careers Curriculum Leader) or Carolyn Gregg (Careers Advisor).



Shannon O'Shea

Careers Curriculum Leader