Key Dates Term 2, 2022

Term 1 Commences - Anzac Day Public Holiday

| Monday 25 April  

Monday 25 April is the start of Term. As it's a public holiday no one will be on site.  

Senior Pathways Parent Webinar

| Monday 2 May

Monday 2 May is the Senior Pathways Parent Webinar. Please keep a look out on compass for more details.  

Naplan Testing 

| Tuesday 10 - Friday 20 May

Tuesday 10 May  will see the start of the Naplan Testing window. This process will be completed by Friday 20 May. 

Winter Concert | 

Monday 23 May

Monday 23 May Our school Winter Concert has tentatively be planned on this date and will be at the school. Please keep an eye out on Compass for further information. 

VCE Drama Performance

| Wednesday 1 June 

Wednesday 1 June There will be a performance from our VCE Drama students which will be open for our current school community. More details will be available on compass but please save the date if you are interested in attending. 

House Chorals

| Friday 10 June

Friday 10 June After two years of disruption, our much anticipated House Chorals will be taking place. We can't wait to share with families the photos and videos that will be taken on the day. 

Queen's Birthday

| Monday 13 June

Monday 13 June is a public holiday and the school will be closed. 

Curriculum Day

| Friday 17 June 

Friday 17 June is a Curriculum Day. It is a student free day and no classes will be running. 

Parent Webinar: 

Understanding Reports

| Monday 20 June

Monday 20 June we will be hosting a webinar for parents around understanding reports. Further details will be available on compass closer to the date.  







Cultural Dress Day

| Friday 24 June 

Friday 24 June  will see the end of our LOTE week. As part of LOTE week and end of Term, students are able to dress in something that represents their culture. A gold cold will be required to participate and all proceeds will go to a charity that will be confirmed shortly. 

Year 12 Formal

| Friday 24 June

Friday 24 June our Year 12 Formal will take place. Further information will be available on compass closer to the date.   


Term 2 Concludes

| Friday 24 June 

The last day of the Term 2 for all staff and students is Friday 24 June.

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Follow Suzanne Cory on Instagram to see the best event photographs from student and staff photographers.