HCC News and Announcements

2024 Enrolments
For families who have children commencing Prep, Year 7 or any other Year level in 2024, the Enrolment Applications are due by the end of Term 1 in order to guarantee them a placement.
The application forms can be accessed through this button (please click). Or you can contact our enrolments officer, Rebecca Bunyon at enrolments@hcc.vic.edu.au and she will send you the link.
Secondary Mathematics Competitions 2023
This a reminder that there are two Mathematics competitions for Years 7 to 10 to participate in this year: Computational and Algorithmic Thinking (CAT) and Australian Mathematics Competition (AMC). CAT will be held on Tuesday 2 May, while AMC will be held on Thursday 3 August. Both CAT and AMC have two levels of competition: Junior (Years 7 and 8) and Intermediate (Years 9 and 10).
The enrolment fee for both events is $13. If your child is only participating in one event, please pay $8. This can be paid through Qkr!, or paid in cash to the College office. The closing date for the enrollment fee will be Friday 24 March.
For further information, please contact Melanie Gover at melanie.gover@hcc.vic.edu.au.
After-School Coding Camp
It is not too late to join the program. For more information and registration, please click Here