Amanda West
In Term 1, students will explore the art elements of line, shape, colour and texture through a range of activities, including drawing, painting and printmaking. They will also develop their modelling and construction skills by making a clay pinch pot. Students will be encouraged to share their visual artworks, as well as discuss and appreciate the art of their peers. All Billanook students will begin the year by contributing to a colourful collaboration, inspired by artist Hiromi Tango’s joyful rainbow artworks.
Adam Kump
In Term 1, the students will extend their German language skills by continuing to develop their conversational capabilities, with a particular focus on greetings, farewells and on expressing their feelings by answering the question ‘Wie geht’s?’ (How are you?). A key focus this term will be learning vocabulary such as animals, colours, emotions and verbs from storybooks. Students will work together to read, translate and act out scenes from each story. Conversational skills will be extended via completing comprehension challenges, speaking games, songs and short role-plays. A variety of media and ICT resources will be used to structure the lessons in an engaging manner.
Performing Arts
Ellie Foster
This year, students will engage in all areas of Performing Arts including Music, Dance and Drama, with a focus on Drama for Term 1. Level 1/2 students will be introduced to a variety of performance techniques including mime, movement, improvisation and characterisation. Using their imagination, props and storybook themes, students will have opportunities to creatively express themselves and build confidence while performing in front of peers. Students will develop social skills and practise teamwork while cooperating in small groups to create role-plays and puppet shows. While students take turns to perform, others will apply attentive listening skills to show respect and encouragement for their fellow classmates.
Physical Education
Chris Steele
During this term students will focus on developing and refining running, dodging and sequenced movement skills with correct action and a variety of speeds. Through fitness activity and games, they will engage in moderate to vigorous activities. Students will explain the contribution rules and procedures make to the safe conduct of games and activities. Students will also concentrate on skills specific to underarm throwing, catching, Bounceball (volleyball game), School Cross Country and athletics.
Below are each class' Specialist Timetable. These also came home as a hard copy with your child.