Teaching & Learning news

Quick-reference School Strategic Plan
As part of their governance, all schools are required to have a strategic plan that outlines the school's vision, explains the school context, and describes the school's goals and the key improvement strategies (KIS) that the school will use towards those goals.
To assist our community understand the school's strategic plan for the 2021-2025 period, a 'one-pager' has been developed for quick-reference (see below).
Work with DSSI for 2023
This year, the school will continue its work as part of the 'Differentiation Support for School Improvement'. The focus for this work will be the goals described in the school's strategic plan (see above), with an emphasis on how we can build greater student agency in their classes. Last year, the school developed a pedagogical model that outlines how we approach teaching and learning.
The work with DSSI is supported closely by the school's weekly Professional Learning Community (PLC) meetings, during which teachers examine closely their professional practice and identify areas for analysis and improvement.