
Kitchen Garden

It was a very hot day in the Kitchen Garden for the year 3 students. Our recipe was inspired by the Greeks - spanakopita using fresh greens such as silver beet, spinach, parsley, dill and mint with garlic and onion, and of course, feta! The students enjoyed the chopping and preparing but mostly they enjoyed the eating!


We opted for a sustainable craft session inside to seek respite from the 35 degree day. Using left over materials scraps and refining sewing skills, the students began a project making gobble monsters using hessian and sewing with wool. For many students this was their first time at sewing and they were really good at it. We need to complete these and fill them with t-shirt scraps to create our monsters. Stay tuned.

Yr 4 Stewardship Program

Year 4L began their Stewardship program this week, where they assume the role of stewards of our school. Our focus for the first session was determining what it means to be a steward - of the environment and in particular our school environment. This involved taking a walk around our whole school land observing all the natural and man made changes that have occurred recently.


In groups, the students worked cooperatively brainstorming ideas for maintenance and improvements to consider for our school. In these groups they assumed different roles to learn how to contribute and assume responsibility for their role. Many changes were observed from our walk around the school environment, and many ideas for change and improvement were brainstormed and shared.

The year 4s have also taken on the role of school composters taking food scraps from each classroom and placing them in our school compost area. Thanks to Mrs Mosele and Mrs DeLaHaye for supporting the students to undertake this task every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. 


Year 2 Water Warriors

The year 2 students have taken on the role of water warriors by conserving the water displaced from our drinking taps and redirecting it to the garden. They are using the blue water saver buckets that are in the drinking taps.