Education in Faith

Ash Wednesday - Beginning Of Lent


Ash Wednesday commences on the 22nd February. The students in Years 4 to 6 will attend the 9.15am morning mass for Ash Wednesday and students in Years 1 to 3 will have a liturgy in their classroom. Classroom teachers will administer the ashes during the liturgy.


Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent and it lasts for six weeks. We call it 

Ash Wednesday because many Christians around the world receive the ashes on their heads. The blessed ashes are a reminder to us of the Lenten promises we will make in our own lives, and to encourage us to give ourselves to others, just as Jesus did for us.  

Lent is an important time in the Church’s year, where we are asked to reflect on the needs of others, and to be thankful to God for all the things we are lucky to have in our lives.


Prayer, fasting and giving to others are very important during Lent: 


Prayer: During Lent, Christians pray for themselves and others. We encourage you to pray for people who are less fortunate than we are.


Fasting: This is about giving something up for a time. Many people give up something they love to eat or something they like to do, like technology or watching television. This can help us understand about making sacrifices.


Almsgiving: Involves donating money or items to people who have less than you. It is a way to show that you care for others and that you are thankful for all God has given you. Caring for others is part of our faith.


 Ash Wednesday Prayer:


Loving God.

Be with us in a special way during this time of Lent so that we can become a people of hope and courage. Help us to think about how we treat others, the way we act, our attitude to life, and how we can be supportive and encouraging to others. 

We make this prayer through Jesus Christ Our Lord.
