Year 7 News

Mr James Buckland

Year 7 Community Day

When reflecting on the 2023 Year 7 cohort, I think “What a great year group and how good has the start to the year been”. They really are a friendly and diverse group of young people. 


Year 7 have transitioned well during Term 1 and have enjoyed various activities including Community Day, Best Start Testing, Ash Wednesday Mass, Swimming Carnival and various Peer support group sessions.


The aim of the Year 7 Community day was to enable students to bond with their peers, their home room teachers and numerous Year 10 Peer support students. Students engaged in various games and activities that challenged them to actively participate, interact with new people, value the concept of teamwork. Through these activities it is hoped that the students become more self-aware through the development of a greater understanding as to their strengths and weaknesses. 


Students also engaged in their first Liturgy at MCC. This is a valuable and at times challenging learning experience. Many of the days previous activities culminated to enhance the Community Days learning intention. Through this experience the ethos of MCC and our expectations were reinforced.


I look forward to getting to know the year group and hope that they are all enjoying their time at Marian Catholic College.