Maths News


Marian Catholic College will participate in this year’s Australian Mathematics Competition.


It will be on Tuesday, August 2, Periods 1 and 2 in the Hall. The competition will be for 75 minutes. There are 30 questions, 25 of which is a multiple choice questions, and 5 questions require a number answers. Students need to bring a 2B pencil and an eraser only. No calculator is allowed.


This competition is one of the largest educational mathematics competition in Australia. It is an engaging problem solving that demonstrates the importance and relevance of mathematics in students’ everyday lives.


The Competition started in Australia in 1978, was the original, and is now one of the largest of its kind in the world. It is designed to attract students to the joy of maths by demonstrating its place in everyday life and making it fun. More than 40 countries participate in the AMC each year and is recognised as an international benchmark for mathematics performance.


I hope that it will excite and inspire students’ interest in mathematical problem solving and I look forward to sharing the students’ pride in their achievements on the competition.




One of the most prestigious Maths competition is the Maths Challenge  This will begin on  the first week of Term 2. Students have three weeks to complete  6 problem solving booklets. The problems are challenging and require time and persistence, but are based on maths that should be known at that level. Students are allowed to seek help from any resources other than human ones—textbooks, encyclopaedias, etc., calculators and computers. However websites offering help with problems are really human resources, so are not allowed, but the use of a computer-based encyclopaedia or a website providing maths information of a general nature is fine. I will be checking on progress from time to time and may be able to answer questions of clarification. Some class time will be set aside for consultation with me. 


All submitted solutions are based from marking schemes and solutions provided by the AMT in the Teacher Guide. This also provides alternative solutions, some discussion of the origin, mathematics and teaching issues associated with each problem, and some extension problems with solutions; it is a valuable classroom resource. After the third week, I will be submitting the marks to the AMT and, after processing, various levels of certificates are issued. 



Maths Coordinator


Mathematics Leader of Learning