Assistant Principal News

Assistant Principal Lora Segrave

It has been a big start to 2023. Last Friday, Year 7 celebrated their Community Day together. They spent time in their Homerooms playing games, completing challenges and working with their Peer Support leaders. They finished the day with a Year 7 Liturgy which further highlighted the spiritual connection possessed within the College. Thank you to Mr Buckland,  the Yr 7 Homeroom team, Peers Support Leaders as well as Mr Abdala our Leader of Mission for his support on the day.

Yesterday, the College joined together to celebrate Ash Wednesday and to acknowledge the commencement of the Lenten period. It was uplifting to observe our Year 12 student leaders actively participate in the Mass through reading, the Offertory procession and delivery of outstanding musical performances. Our College Chaplin Father Cyprian, encouraged our students to remember that Lent is a time of Reflection, something we consistently encourage our students to undertake whether it be of their faith, learning or social conscience. 


Our Year 12 leaders participated in a Student Leadership evening this week, led by myself, Mr Herb and Mr Abdala. The purpose of the evening was to offer the students the opportunity to reflect upon their own leadership qualities and determine how to interact successfully as a leadership team. The students worked in their Vision and Mission portfolios to highlight their goals for the year. We will use our weekly meetings to further work towards their goals. They have some excellent ideas and we look forward to seeing them achieve outstanding things this year.


This week we finalised our Leadership team with the appointment of our House Vice Captains. These students showed great resilience in delivering a speech to their College House groups and I know they will be outstanding in their support of their House Leaders. We will celebrate this achievement at our next whole College assembly.


Brendan - James Naseby and Emmerson Waide

McAuley - Mason Salvestro and Natalia Salvestro

Marcellin -  Ella Savage and Tahlia Sully

Patrick - Taylor Leilua and Nicolas Minato


Finally, nineteen of our College Musicians from Year 9,11 and 12s will be travelling to Wagga on the 8th of March to take part in the CEDWW Showcase ‘ A time to Shine’. This evening will see impressive performances from across the Wagga Diocese. Our thanks go to Mr Segrave for his work regarding the preparation of performances. For those wishing to attend, tickets are available online, we will also livestream the event through the College Facebook page on the evening. We encourage you to jump online and watch our MCC students and staff ‘shine’


Lora Segrave

Assistant Principal