First day of Year 12 2023

Current and former Captains on the first day

From the Captains


The 2023 graduating class has had a great start to the year. After receiving our year 12 hoodies we were lucky enough to listen to guest speaker, Sean Bell’s, advice on how to better ourselves and achieve our goals in year 12 as well as hearing his motivational story of raising money for the “make a wish” foundation through his passion - long distance running. 


Following this, past Northcote High school captains and students returned to provide our year level with much appreciated advice on how to manage the year ahead of us and prepare for life beyond high school. 


There is a little bit of anxiety for what lies ahead of us this year, but overall the 2023 year 12s are very excited for our final year.



Note: we will be formally introducing our new captains in our next issue, so stay tuned.