From the Principal 

Welcome Back! It was great to see our students back to school last week, for a brand new year of learning. We began with assemblies for all our year level cohorts in the Gym, PAC and online. Students heard from their Sub-school Leaders about the opportunities that they will have in the year ahead, and the supports that are available to them.


I spoke to them about making the most of opportunities that are offered, particularly leadership opportunities for our senior students. When you are talking to your child about the year, please provide encouragement and support to take on something extra this year, something you know that they would be interested in.


Our Year 7s spent their first day with their Connect teacher and were supported by our Year 10 Peer Support Leaders. The Connect teacher is the first point of contact for families, and who they meet with every day so it was great to start to develop this strong connection. Throughout the day, students learnt more about the organisation of the school and went on tour of the school to help them learn where all of their classrooms will be.


One of the things that our students have quickly adapted to is the changes to the paths of travel around the school. In this newsletter we have included an article that updates families on the building works. We know that the new building will be a great resource for our students so we appreciate the patience that they are showing taking a longer path when moving around the school.


Thank you, again, to our families for supporting the school with implementing the COVIDsafe measures as outlined by the DET. I will continue to update the Compass Newsfeed as DET makes any changes to the measures implemented.


This year we are expecting to run events on site wherever possible. The many events that we ran in Term 3 and 4 last year were so much more valuable to our students when families were onsite to share the experience with them. Our Year 7 and 12 families will shortly receive communication from Sub schools about our welcome events for their respective year levels.


I look forward to seeing you at an upcoming event soon.


Chris Jones
