Uniform 2023

Pride in the school community

One of our core school expectations is that all students will wear the correct uniform each day. The uniform signifies belonging to and pride in the school community, and is also part of ensuring a safe, secure and equitable school environment.


Our uniform is gender-neutral and all items can be worn year-round.  After a couple of extensions, last year was the final year of the change-over period from the old to the new uniform. Students can now only wear new uniform items. This will bring more consistency to the uniform items that are worn.


Sport uniform may be worn allday on the days that students have a PE or Sport class. The uniform must be the correct sports uniform, as pictured below. Sport and academic uniform items should not be mixed (excluding the jacket which can be worn with everything). Students will still have access to the change rooms should they wish to change in to / out of their sport uniform during break times. 


Students who are out of uniform and have not sought and been granted a uniform pass will have this recorded on Compass Chronicle. They will also, where practicable, need to remove the out-of-uniform item and give it to the requesting teacher for collection at the end of the day.  Once a student has been marked 'out of uniform' three or more times, consequences including after-school community service will be implemented.  The expectations and processes are outlined in the Student Planner and on our Website.



Donations - Secondhand Uniform

Together with our canteen provider Bocca Foods, we are working to establish a secondhand uniform shop for our families and students to purchase good condition, secondhand uniform items at  a low cost. If you have any good condition uniform items at home please drop them off to the uniform bin near the foyer entrance. 

We ask that:

  • the uniform is current uniform items only
  • uniform items are in good condition, no rips tears or broken zippers
  • uniform items are washed prior donating

Thank you for your donation and support of our community. 


If any family is experiencing difficulty in obtaining the appropriate uniform, please contact your child's Sub-school or the Student Services Wellbeing team for support.



Uniform shop hours

The on-campus uniform shop is open on Tuesday 12.30-4pm  Friday 8.30 -11.30am. Students may visit the uniform shop, try on items of clothing and the uniform staff will make a call home to arrange payment remotely. 


Noone Imagewear also has its own store: at 283 Lower Heidelberg Rd, Ivanhoe East VIC 3079. Alternatively, you can shop online https://www.noone.com.au/shop/retail/