Bundidup Guernesy Stud

In January the College took possession of four Guernsey dairy cows which we purchased from a stud at North Dandalup.  The addition of this alternative breed to the dairy herd will offer learning opportunities, exposing students and staff to the breed and providing the option to compare milk production and milk quality with our Holsteins. Our aim over time is to increase the number of Guernseys in our herd.  The College has joined the Guernsey Cattle association and established the Bundidup Guernsey Stud.

Wagin Woolorama

Wagin Woolorama is being held on Saturday the 11th of March.  This event provides the opportunity for students to compete in the Young Judges’ competition which involves judging Merino sheep, wool and meat. Students may also enter the novice shearing competition if they have reached the required level.  Interested students will be trained for their chosen event/s.  More information regarding the day’s program will follow.


Gate 2 Plate

In January the College sent a team of 3 beef animals to compete in the Gate 2 Plate feedlot competition organised by the Albany Ag Society.   In March we will take a group of Certificate III Ag students to compete in the Ag College Challenge component of the event, and to view our animals in the feedlot.


Hats on Farm

I would like to remind all students of the need to wear a broad brimmed hat in Term 1.  If a student presents to the Farm roll call without a hat, they will be required to purchase a new bucket hat from Admin before being allowed to attend their Farm section.


Geoff Howell and the Farm Staff