Farewell Mrs Crowshaw

Mrs Crowshaw has been working at GEPS for 27 years. She has grown our school library into a well sought-after collection in the area. She has led a range of library assistants; worked with hundreds of Library Monitors and has ensured our school library is a hub of reading and research!


Over her years here - it is estimated that she's taught 8,100 students, liaised with 945 teachers and seen many generations of families pass through the library!


She has run Book Week parades, run Scholastic Book Club, booked author visits for our school, been involved in science, HSIE, teachers federation contact. She has organised community Thank You lunches and hosted library network days. She has supported many a performance day costume making and sourcing arrangements. And she has been a significant resource to teachers over the years - providing advice about books for certain students, knowing what books are new and just right for different grades and knowing which authors are sure to get kids in to reading!


Mrs Crowshaw is finishing up at GEPS in the next few weeks and we take this time to acknowledge her huge contribution to GEPS and wish her all the very best for this new phase of her life! 

Book Week dress up 2018
Book Week dress up 2016
Book Week dress up 2018
Book Week dress up 2016

Farewell and thank you Mrs Crowshaw!