Learning & Teaching

Learning & Teaching/Wellbeing/Faith & Farm


This term, our children have been investigating the scripture of ‘Love your neighbour as yourself’ (Mark 12:31) and why it is important to love ourselves in order to love others. We’re using this scripture to help support our understanding of ‘Solidarity’, reflecting on our actions and how we can stand up for others in our local and global community. This ties in beautifully as our school and each hub work towards building their Ways of Working within each space and as we enter the time of Lent.



Faith Events in Term one: 



On Tuesday the 7th  of March, some of our year 3 children participated  in their First Reconciliation at Our Lady’s Church in Maidstone. On behalf of St John’s, we wish to congratulate each child for how wonderfully they represented our school and their families.

Millie, Jason, Georgie, Yel, Xavier, Maweien, Finn, Michael, Eloise, Cruz, Malika, Jed, Freya, Gigi, Isaiah, Maddie, Marcus and Ines.


Lent/Holy Week

On behalf of St John’s, I’d like to warmly welcome our community into this year’s Lenten Season. Our school ushered in the Lenten season with a very special Shrove Tuesday pancake celebration, generously provided by our staff, and prepared by our Social Justice Leaders Vanessa, Ansh and Aarav (pictured).

Our children have begun to explore the symbol, ritual and tradition embedded within Lent, particularly with our Ash Wednesday Mass, hosted by Father Rene at Our Lady’s Church. Our children participated emphatically, especially through song and responding to Father Rene’s homily, which called us to come together to not only love our neighbours, however be kind to ourselves as well. Our hubs further explore how our Lenten season calls us to live out the life of Jesus, through kindness, prayer and Almsgiving. Thank you to the families who attended on the day.


Prayer gatherings

As part of our Lenten celebration, each hub will be hosting a prayer gathering on these dates:

  • One Hub: Friday 10th March at 2.30pm
  • Three Hub: Friday 24th March at 2.30pm
  • Prep Hub: Friday 31st March at 9am
  • Two Hub: Monday 3rd April at 9am
  • Four Hub: Tuesday 4th April at 9am
  • Five/Six Hub: Wednesday 5th April at 9am

These will all be held outside (weather permitting) otherwise in our hall. Families are of course welcome to come along. 


St Patrick’s Day

On Friday the 17th of March, we invite children to wear an item of green clothing in celebration of St Patrick’s Day. A gold coin can be donated towards raising money for Project Compassion.



On Wednesday 8th of March, we acknowledged the Hindu celebration of Holi. In India, Holi is a celebration that marks the end of Winter, and the beginning of Spring in India and to symbolise the triumph of good over evil. 



Ramadan is the most sacred month of the year in Islamic culture, commencing this year on Wednesday 22nd of March.

Muslims observe the month of Ramadan, to mark that Allah, or God, gave the first chapters of the Quran to the Prophet Muhammad in 610. The observance of Ramadan is very personal and individual and is a time for sacrifice and renewal of faith, as well as a period of reflection and spiritual growth.

Ramadan draws many similarities to the season of Lent, where we participate in fasting, almsgiving and prayer.


Jordan Fry

(Faith/REL Leader)



5/6 Hub Camp Experience

Last week the 5/6 children traveled to Campaspe Downs camp in Kyneton where they spent time building stronger peer connections and learning about each other's strengths and challenges. It was lovely to see the children encouraging each other to face their fears (mainly fear of heights) and celebrating each other's successes. 


There were many opportunities for the children to show collaboration, persistence and be reflective over the three days on camp. They worked together to build a raft that would successfully float on the lake and hold 5 children, although many children ended up very wet from their rafts falling apart, there were many laughs and big smiles!


The children continued to show bravery and resilience when squealing and cheering as they flew through the air on the Flying Fox, clung onto different hand holds when rock climbing and as they abseiled down the wall. Aeroball and Archery required persistence when aiming for the target or goal. 


We enjoyed seeing the children in a different environment and having the opportunity to learn more about them and see how they respond to challenging situations. 


Shania, Amanda and Amy