Junior School

Bringing out the Good
In the Junior School, we consider that working with you, our parent body, is a vital responsibility and one that we take very seriously. When writing my Especean article each week, I try to do more than just provide a recap of recent events or highlight specific ‘operational’ items occurring.
I am extremely conscious of not telling anyone how to parent; although as a father to two children myself, I am also very aware that the style I took on board as a parent might be different than yours. While remaining cognisant of these facts, every now and then I will seek to offer parents/carers a piece of research, or a suggestion of something to listen to or watch, or something else to consider.
I recently listened to a podcast episode by Adam Grant titled, ‘Bringing out the good in kids – and parents – with Becky Kennedy’. Known as the ‘Millennial Parent Whisperer’, Becky Kennedy is a clinical psychologist who works with children and parents. She challenges the widespread belief that it is a parent’s job to make their children happy. Her advice is backed by science and by evidence…which some might find confronting. However, it is always good to ‘rethink’ our own thoughts and beliefs. You can find the link to the episode here or watch it on YouTube here. I would encourage parents and carers to take some time over the next week or so to listen to it, think about the advice she offers, and potentially rethink your views and practices. If nothing else, it’s certainly good food for thought!
The research organisation, McCrindle, recently published a ‘Trends of 2023’ report in the form of an infographic, outlining our changing social landscape. At the bottom, is a section titled Intergenerational Transfer, which is explained as, ‘The shift from hierarchical and linear generational transactions to flatter and more collaborative intergenerational connections.’ Instead of knowledge and skills passing ‘down’ from one generation to the next, knowledge is now shared in, amongst and between each of the generations; valuing the knowledge and skills of younger generations, while imparting the learning that has come from experiences that people from each generation have had.
It is a powerful concept and one that I believe we each need to work hard to accept and encourage. Just as we have significant learning to convey to those who are younger than we are, we also need to approach the opinions and skills of the younger generation with an open mind, understanding that we will undoubtedly learn as much from them as they will learn from us. We should not simply dismiss them! This excited, knowledgeable and increasingly skilled upcoming generation are, of course, our future.
Years 5/6 Camp Survey
Now that both year groups have concluded their camp experience for 2023, planning will shortly commence in preparation for next year. As a Junior School, we are committed to continuous improvement and would like to offer our parents and carers the opportunity to comment on their son/s experience on camp. Please note that students have also spent time reviewing the camp in class and were given the opportunity to complete an online survey about the specific camp they went on as well.
Parents and carers are invited to click here in order to review your son/s recent camp experience in Katoomba (Year 5) or Canberra (Year 6).
We sincerely hope that all boys enjoyed their unique camp opportunity and have many fond memories to recall in the future!
If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me via email (glenn.stephenson@spc.nsw.edu.au) or phone (8705 9247) and I will endeavour to assist you in any way that I can.
May God bless you,
Glenn Stephenson
Director of Junior School