Parents and Friends

Year 5 Welcome Dinner
We would like to take the opportunity to welcome all the new Year 5 students and their parents/carers to the St Patrick’s College Community. On Friday night the Year 5 Welcoming Mass was held followed by the Year 5 Welcome Dinner. It was lovely to host such a beautiful event as the College gymnasium filled with new families to the school, current families with new siblings and families who are once again returning to the school.
We have had overwhelming positive response to the event. It was a night with delicious food accompanied with lots of chatter and laughter. A big thank you to all families who attended, it was a pleasure to have you all there.
Once again, functions like this are not possible without the support from fellow parents and carers. We must take the time to thank Alison Auland, Lina Bartorilla, Kathy Jeitani, Dione Fague, Vesna Mastoris and Angela Shahady for their help with the set-up for the evening. A big thank you also to all the parents and carers on the night who helped with the clean-up. Many hands made light work!
Save the Date
Parents and Friends Parent Forum and General Meeting
Tuesday 21 March, 7:00 PM, Robson Auditorium.
2023 Blue, Black and Gold Dinner
Our Annual Blue, Black and Gold Dinner will be held on Friday 19 May. Save the Date as the invitation will be available shortly.
Have a great week.
Parents and Friends Committee.