From the 



Dear Parents / Carers,


The school will be closed on Monday 13 March for the Labour Day public holiday. 


The term one break will commence at 2.30pm on Thursday 7 April. Term two will commence on Monday 24 April. The school will be closed on Tuesday 25 April for the ANZAC Day Public holiday.


Nominations to be a member of School Council have closed and as the number of nominations was the same as the number of vacancies, all who nominated are duly elected. 


Our parent members on School Council: Michaela Cassidy, Adrian Pearce, Kate Kirk, Lionel Beer, Marinko Markovic, Matt Amy, Sian Sillett, Stevie Hjorth, Tammie Western and Meaghan Hickcox. The Department of Education representatives: Travis Tyszkiewicz, Tiffany Bamford, Madeleine Collins and Shae White. 


The next School Council Meeting will be held on Wednesday 22 March at 6.30pm. At this meeting we will present the Annual Report and farewell outgoing School Councillors and welcome new School Councillors. This will be held at the Mulgrave Country Club. This is the first meeting of the new School Council and will include the election of office bearers.


At Rowville Primary School we emulate a model of student leadership that focusses on service. One arm of student leadership involves participation in student parliamentary teams and the other are the House Captains. Through teamwork and collaboration, all student leaders are working towards making a positive difference. Student leaders were presented with their badges at a special ceremony last week by the Hon. Kim Wells MP, who has been presenting the leadership badges for the last two decades.



Enclosed is the latest edition of the news program produced by our student leaders.


At Rowville Primary School we place an important emphasis on physical activity. Today our students participated in the school house cross country. I acknowledge our PE teachers, Mrs Macdonald and Mrs Altmeppen for their organisation of the day. I also thank the many parents who helped the event run so smoothly.


It is important that we build strong physical activity programs in our schools. Our grandparents often told stories of themselves or their parents walking or bike riding miles to school every day, chopping wood, carrying groceries, washing the clothes, carrying water, digging the garden, playing sport, and walking home afterwards, in the rain or forty-degree heat.


The world has changed, we now have cars or buses, washing machines and gas or electric stoves. Adults usually drive children where they want to go. However, our bodies were designed for physical activity, and without enough exercise it starts to slow down, clog up and become unhealthy.


We were so thrilled to learn of the safe arrival of Ari Mastorakis on 6/03/23 at 10.05am weighing 3.11kg. Congratulations to Jen and Tony and welcome to the world Ari!



Kind regards,


Anne Babich
