Students of the Week

The following students will receive their certificates assemblies on the following dates:

Friday 7th May  

 Stella B (PA) - For the way she shows Attentive Listening. Stella listens with her eyes, ears and heart. Thank you Stella for always listening carefully.

Elliot T (PB) - For being a wonderful friend to all of his classmates. Elliot is a kind and thoughtful student who loves looking after people. Thanks Elliot

Joshua R (12B) - For doing your personal best in our classroom, and working extra hard on your handwriting! Well done Josh, keep up the good work!

Liam E (12C) - For showing incredible Personal Best values and always willing to contribute to class discussions. Amazing work Liam!

Ila G (34A) - For pushing herself outside of her comfort zone. I've been so impressed to see her make an effort to join others and make new friendships. Amazing work Ila!

Reya Bradley (34B) - For completing more of her tasks as directed and joining the class on the floor, participating in discussions and following the daily program. Keep up the good work Reya. A great start to the term!

 Xanthe N (34C) - For always having a positive attitude to her learning and consistently presenting her work to a very high standard. You are a Superstar!

 Scarlett (56A) - For your interesting and intelligent contributions to class discussions. We love hearing your ideas and appreciate your active listening skills. Keep up the great learning.

 Isaac M (56B) - For making a great start to Term 2. I love seeing you make great, mature choices and trying your Personal Best. Keep up the good stuff.


Friday 14th May

 Angus B (PA) - For demonstrating a love of learning. Angus is always eager to learn new things and apply his Personal best. What a star!

 Oli R (PB) - For showing fantastic leadership skills. Oli enjoys attempting challenges and helping others. Thanks you Oli for trying your Personal Best at school.

Hannah D (12B) - For working hard and always trying your personal best in all learning tasks, as well as being a wonderful helper in our classroom. Well done, Hannah!

Guntas K (12C) - For consistently being a wonderful friend to peers. Guntas has shown an incredible amount of confidence in her learning where she gives her Personal Best! Amazing work Guntas.

Cam D (34A) - For always being ready to start work in class and being a positive role model to other students in 3/4A. Great Work!

Lillian H (34B) - For using our strategy 'Think Addition' when completing subtraction equations and having success. Lillian is more able to work with larger numbers and is gaining confidence in her mathematical ability. Great work Lillian!

Ewan (34C) - For showing the TRIBES value of attentive listening and consistently being one of the first students ready for the next learning activity. Keep up the awesome effort! 

Benji (56A) - For your determination and hard work in writing lessons. It has been wonderful seeing your focus particularly in our grammar and punctuation mini lessons. keep up the great learning.

Oscar B (56B) -  For your on going efforts in Mathematics. It was amazing to see you continue to work hard at something you found difficult. The result at the end was amazing.