Student Well-being 

Community Spotlight: Year 5/6 Community 


Unit: What Makes You Tick 

Focus: The Core Areas of Wellbeing - Social, Emotional and Physical 


Students in the Year  5/6 Community have continued to explore the three areas of their Wellbeing - Physical, Social and Mental Wellbeing. Students took part in three sessions that looked at each key area in more depth. Following on from this immersion, students began researching the three different health areas, whilst also undertaking activities associated with improving each core area of wellbeing. Students chose one area of health that really resonated with them. Students had the opportunity to be experts in their field of health and to share their research in small groups. Students' research was made into a wall display for others to refer to.















Then, in small groups, students have begun creating informative advertisement campaigns, aiming to promote their area of health. They have begun crafting a script, which includes the following: 

  • Facts and Statistics about their Area of Health
  • A Key Message
  • Activities for their viewer to engage with that will help to improve their health

Students have been thoroughly engaged with the final piece, and have been looking forward to presenting these campaigns to their peers.










Harmony Week

Last  week was Harmony Week .  It is a time to celebrate Australian multiculturalism, and the successful integration of migrants into our community. Australia is one of the most multicultural countries in the world and we should celebrate this.


Harmony Week is about inclusiveness, respect and belonging for all Australians, no matter what our cultural background is. These values also align with the values of Corpus Christi so it is important that we remember them when representing our school.


Harmony Week in the Year 5/6 Community

As part of Harmony Week, students also took part in activities to celebrate the culturally diverse country we live in! Students watched a video outlining the importance of Harmony Day and coming together. The community created people and hands which represented their different cultures and backgrounds and this was made into a beautiful wall display - depicting the essence of Harmony Day, “celebrating the cohesive and inclusive nature of Australia and promoting a tolerant and culturally diverse society.”

Lauren Borg

Wellbeing Leader