Year 8 SEALP

Students from 8A have been exploring the area of Geology.  We started looking at the different types of rocks under a stereo microscope to think about the formation, grain size and texture. 


We followed that with making our own 'house samples' out of different materials to stand the vast weather conditions of Australia, such as searing heat in the red centre compared to the rains and wind of Tasmania. 


The students made four samples with different ratios of grass, mud, cement, rocks, and I think there was a feather in there somewhere! 


We finally tested them, by scratching their samples with a nail (wind), burning them in a Bunsen burner (heat) and drowning the samples in a beaker of water (flooding).  


Some of the samples disintegrated as you can imagine. 

Julie Colyer


Technology Captain

Introducing Jemma O'Keefe, who is one of the two legendary Technology Captains for 2021.

Julie Colyer