Congratulations to Sr Marita Fitzgerald (1944) RSCJ who celebrates her 95th Birthday on 14 April. Sr Marita lives locally in Melbourne in an assisted living facility and we would be very happy to forward any well wishes you would like to share with her via email or letter.
Please send to Melinda Adams
Sr Marita wrote an entertaining account in the alumnae book
One Heart : Treasured Memories of our Sacré Cœur Alumnae 1888 - 2018
In 1934 I spent the last term of that year at Burke Road where I joined six little girls and two boys who were preparing for First Communion. I was eight years old and did not seem to fit in at all. I did not relate well to the nuns and hated being in the school. How I longed for the term to end! For many years in the future if anyone mentioned Sacré Cœur, I would tell them how unhappy I was there and hoped never to put foot inside the door again.
Little did I dream that in 2013 I could happily claim to have been an RSCJ for sixty nine years, which proves that to the Sacred Heart, nothing is impossible.
Sr Marita Fitzgerald (1934)