2020 VCE Results

Congratulations to the Class of 2020
We are so proud of all that the Class of 2020 achieved as a collective, as well as the stories of individual success.
Success comes in countless forms at Sacré Cœur and we are especially pleased that many of our girls achieved at a level greater than their original hopes and expectations.
The Class of 2020 worked consistently, supported one another and were expertly guided by our hardworking and talented teachers during an unprecedented time.
We wish them all the best as they move beyond the gates of Burke Road to the next stage of their learning.
Isabelle Collins (Dux)
We are delighted to introduce Isabelle Collins, our Class of 2020 Dux, who shares her experience as a student of Sacré Cœur and thereasons for her success in what was a very challenging year.