Parent Association 

Lend a Hand, Together We Can!

Parents & Friends' Association Meeting

Parents are welcome at St Edward's. After last year where COVID-19 prevented parents coming into the school and cancelled all our social events, we have opportunity to re-ignite our support of the school.


All parents are urged to come along to the first gathering of the P&F for 2021. It will be held on Tuesday 2nd March at 6:30pm in the Primary Staffroom.


Please come along and become involved in this important facet of school life, especially our new Kindy parents! 


At this "meet and greet" session Dr Jake will give you the opportunity to learn more about the plans for St Edward's for 2021 and the learning program.


We look forward to seeing you there. 

Baker's Delight Tamworth

A reminder to our families - Don't forget to mention St Edward's School when purchasing from either Baker's Delight Stores in Tamworth.  At the end of the year they donate back 5% from all purchases to our school.