General News
IMPORTANT INFO - Infants Pickup/Drop Off
It is great to see so many parents using the Infants pick up/drop off area in Thompson Crescent in the mornings and afternoons. We acknowledge that there are limited parking spots and this area of the school can get extremely busy and congested. This area should be treated like a Kiss and Drop Zone (drop and go immediately after your children are safely inside the school gate). If you are required to enter the school grounds, please find alternate parking places in and around the perimeter of the Infants School. We ask that you please DO NOT let the queue flow into Robert Street. If you arrive in the queue and you are forced to flow into Robert Street, you may need to drive around the block, find a park for a few minutes or leave home a few minutes later. We have had numerous complaints about the queue backing up into Robert Street. Not only is this illegal, it is also extremely dangerous with vehicles and buses being forced to go around you.
Please note that Council Parking Rangers will be monitoring in this area. Thank you so much for your continued cooperation.
Sport and School Activity Levy - due now
A huge thank you to the families who have now paid the Levy. A reminder that this Levy covers the cost of sport and extracurricular activities that ALL students participate in (ie. School Cross Country, Gymnastics, Tennis, Eisteddfod, Swimming & Athletics Carnival, buses between Campuses). This Levy saves parents having to find small amounts of cash throughout the year and is a great time saver for our teaching staff by not having to count and record cash.
The Primary Levy is $70 per child and the Infants Levy is $50 per child, with payment due by tomorrow Friday 26th February. The levy can be paid direct to either school office by EFTPOS or cash or via the Qkr! App.
NRMA Bus Safety Program – Kinder Students only
Next Tuesday 2nd March, all Kindergarten students will be participating in our annual NRMA Bus Safety Program from 9.00am-11.00am. There will be an information and discussion session conducted by representatives of the NRMA, Police and Tamworth Bus Lines. Please don’t forget to sign and return your child’s permission note if you haven’t already done so.
Dental Health Check – Year 1 students only
Darling Dental, a private Tamworth Surgery, is kindly offering free dental health checks to our YEAR 1 students ONLY on Thursday 4th March. A consent form went home on Monday 15th February to every Year 1 student and if you would like your child’s teeth checked, this form needs to be completed and returned by Wednesday 3rd March.
McCarthy Catholic College Visit
Mr Rod Whelan, Principal of McCarthy Catholic College, will visit our Year 6 students on Monday 1st March at 10.30am to discuss the transition to High School and what McCarthy Catholic College is about. Please note enrolment applications will be sent out to our Year 6 families via our Compass News feed in the coming weeks.
Child Protection
As part of our school policy in keeping our children safe, we need to ensure that any person who takes care of the students of St Edward’s School has their Working with Children Clearance. This includes parent volunteers on an excursion, Primary Canteen helpers or coaching a sporting team. If you don’t have this clearance, this is what you need to do: Go to the RMS (Roads and Maritime Services), and simply ask for the working with children clearance. More information can also be found by clicking here. Make sure you say that you are volunteering at the school for whatever the reason; otherwise there will be a charge of $80. If you volunteer it is free! The school will need a copy of this information which will be given to you by the RMS. Please then send a copy into the school or email it to so we can keep it on file.
First Name:
Date of Birth:
WWC number:
Type of clearance: Valid for unpaid work only
Change of Details
We ask all parents to please log into Compass or contact either school office to advise us of any changes to phone numbers, addresses or student medical details.
Collection Notice for parents/guardians 2021 Student Residential Address and Other Information
Please read the collection notice carefully and keep in mind that we need all details in regards to your residential address to be correct.
Children are required to attend school from 8.45am to 3.00pm. It is essential that children are always present at school, except in the case of sickness.
Whenever a child is absent, parents are required to explain this absence through the Compass App. An SMS message is sent to parents on the morning of the absence if no notification of absence has been received before 10.00am. If an absence is not explained within 7 days, through Compass, your child will be marked as Absent Unexplained and this will also be documented on the semester report. After 7 days this cannot be changed.
Compass is our School Parent Portal. It will allow you to access up-to-date and meaningful information about our school and your child's progress. Compass includes many different features, including the ability to:
- Approve past absences for your child.
- Enter upcoming absences for your child.
- Access your child's Academic Reports.
- Access information regarding upcoming events and newsletters.
- Book your Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences.
- View up-to-date class and school attendance information.
- Download, print and approve upcoming excursions.
- Update your registered email and mobile number (used for SMS alerts).
2022 Kindergarten Enrolments - ENROL NOW
Applications for Kindergarten 2022 are NOW OPEN and close on Thursday 1st April 2021. Please contact either school office for an enrolment pack. Enrolment Forms will not be processed until all supporting documents are received: Birth Certificate; Immunisation Certificate; Baptismal Certificate (only required if your child is baptised Catholic) and proof of student’s residential address. Please spread the word if you know of anyone with a child wishing to start at St Edward's School in Kindergarten in 2022.
School Fees
Term 1 school fees are due by Friday 12th March and payments can be made with the Qkr! App, CentrePay, direct credit to the school's bank account or direct debit through ADIG. If you wish to set up an ADIG direct debit, please see either school office for the relevant form. When accessing Qkr!, payment can be made under one child's name (school fees only) and when paying direct into the school's bank account please use your account no. (located under the date on the statement) and your surname (or first four letters if insufficient space).
We ask that all parents sign up for the Qkr! App as this enables you to pay for most school activities online. You will need to have your location services turned on your device to be able to pick up St Edward's Tamworth as an option.