Pastoral Care 

Year 7 Camp

  • Wellbeing Anecdote from the Student Diary
  • National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence
  • Year 7 Camp
  • Buddies Bushwalk
  • Year 8 PDHPE
  • State Athletics and Swimming Achievements
  • Office of eSafety Commission
  • St Patrick's Day / Gaelic Athletic Association
  • Harmony Day
  • Brick Break

Wellbeing Anecdote from the Student Diary

“ Fortune favours the prepared mind” 

Louis Pasteur


National Day of Action Against Bullying And Violence

This Friday we celebrate the National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence with an assembly run by our Student leaders from Year 11 and 12 under Senior Studies Coordinator: Ms Bamber’s guidance. The students hope to interview a guest panel including Ms Jamieson, Mr Carroll, Mr Quilty, Mercy School Captain, Sophie Satnarine and Principal Ms Timp, Pius parent and advocate for Candela Womens refuge in Peru, Mrs Mary Rajca and several St Pius X students. As the students explore the theme of “Take Action Together” against bullying and violence. 

As a long standing participant in the NDA through our student wellbeing program at St Pius X, our College Vice Captain Alec Ramsbottom and the Wellbeing Prefects: Jacob Glass, Ben Giles and Matthew Brannan plan to realise the positive impacts reported by NDA surveys in our school community.

Year 7 Camp 

Our Year 7 Cohort under the guidance of their Coordinator Mr Steinman and Pastoral Care team of Ms van Riet, Ms Zervakos, Mrs Keighery, Ms Loughman, Mr Kennedy, Mr O’Byrne, Mr Donnelly, Mr Wall, Mr Mendez, Mr Lacey, and Mr McBrearty, enjoyed a positive Great Aussie Bush Camp at Tea Gardens last week. Their activities included raft building, sea kayaking, team challenge (high ropes), archery, Rock and Water and initiative games. On behalf of the appreciative students I thank the staff for the time away from their families, and for ensuring the students had a positive pastoral care learning experience which will support their journey to Year 12 and beyond. 

While at the camp, as a Year 7 family, we celebrated Birthdays for Valentino Stewart, Jack Strydom, Joel Fieldus and Max Jammal. Happy Birthday!

Buddies 'Be You' Peer Mentoring Bushwalk

Unfortunately, under the threat of thunderstorms last Sunday, Mr Russo wisely postponed our Buddies Peer Mentoring Bushwalk to the Euroka Clearing Glenbrook in the Blue Mountains. We look forward to revisiting this activity later in the year, on a day when we are able to talk and walk comfortably in good company without having to hide under rain jackets. Stay tuned to the Counselling / Pastoral Care teams for future details. 

Year 8 PDHPE

Last week also Year 8 continued their triple PDHPE program with students Paddle Boarding on Narrabeen Lake and Surfing Long Reef on Wednesday afternoon. The weather was kind and a great time was had by all as we developed skills and fitness which will stand us in good stead for future activities.

State Athletic and Swimming achievements

While Nicholas Gladen set the Homebush pool alight last week with some blistering times in qualifying for upcoming NSW and National competitions. Year 12 Treacy House Captain Dominic Panozzo continued his great form on the track winning a NSW Athletics Gold medal in the 400m hurdles and Bronze in the 400m flat. The weekend weather was not conducive to record times and we wish Dom well as he pursues automatic qualifying times to the upcoming Nationals.

Office of eSafety Commission 

We were recently congratulated by the Office of the Commissioner for eSafety Ms Julie Inman-Grant on our participation in World Safer Internet Day and encourage all members of our community to consider the principles for safe and supportive internet and social media use:

St Patrick's Day Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA)

While we celebrate St Patrick’s Feast Day and his Patronage of Ireland today, over recent weeks our Year 10 students welcomed Therese and Sara-Jane Cody, Secretary of the Gaelic Athletic Club of Australia and Gaelic Football and Hurling Level 1 Coach respectively, to our studies of Cultural Sports at Oxford Falls. Last Tuesday the GAA generously presented a Hurling Stick and Slither (Ball) to our students for the energetic and skilful manner in which they had embraced and taken up the learning of these traditional Irish sports. For the WHS record, the hurling stick and slither are safely displayed in our Administration area while we hope for further lessons from the GAA leading into St Patrick's Day next year!


"Le gach dea-ghui" or "Best Wishes"!


Harmony Day

Closely following on the themes of International Women’s Day last week and National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence this week, next Monday's Assembly will celebrate Harmony Day with our Languages Coordinator Ms Kara Manga leading a celebration of the diversity and inclusivity of our community. The Year 11 SET Team have worked extensively with the Junior School to support our Cultural Prefects: Ashley Johnson, James Baldock, Liam Kinna and Charlie Hamill, in preparing for the event. They have included Ms Sofie Tobin, Mercy Class of 2021, with Vice Captain Alec Ramsbottom, and a group of our students to explore what it takes for us to be a harmonious inclusive community.

Brick Break

Thank you to those Wellbeing Leaders who each Tuesday accompany Mrs McCarthy in conducting the Brick Break Lego Club for our Junior School students at lunchtime. By all accounts it’s a very therapeutic and connecting activity for all involved: Juniors and Seniors. Contact College Counsellor Mrs Joe McCarthy in our Wellbeing Hub, or College Captain Liam Chang for more information.



St Pius X College acknowledges our First Nations, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and particularly the Cammeraygal people, 

whose interconnection with this land sustained and 

fulfilled them mentally, physically, emotionally, socially and spiritually, 

over thousands of years. 

May we learn from their wisdom.


Fide et Labore


Mr Sean Brannan - Assistant Principal, Pastoral Care