For Our Students 

This Week's Birthdays


Monday 8th -  Evie MFP, Julia MVU

Wednesday 10th  -  Owen JTA, Adam MJB,

        Miranda MBK, Anthony SDB, Kobey SDB

Thursday 11th  -  Dane JBJ, Madison MBK, 

                                  Jesse MVU, Kaden SEC

Friday 12th  -  Lochlan PKB, Elliott JKF, 

Lloyd JKF, Luke JPB, Henry SJC, Sophie SRT, Marley SEC

Saturday 13th  -  Samantha JAW

Sunday 14th  -  Billy JLC, Emily MMP, Noah SWS

We hope you all had or will have a wonderful day!

Rubbish Free Lunches at CHPS

Since 2017 Croydon Hills has been pursuing a waste reduction policy in an effort to reduce our carbon footprint, landfill waste and teach our students the importance of environmental responsibility. The policy results in a financial saving to the school for waste removal, so funds can be directed to learning instead, teaches our students about sustainability and engages them in the schools Environmental Immersion plan. 

In order to minimise rubbish and recycle our waste as much as possible the school has allocated eating areas within the school, located near classrooms and bins. Students take responsibility for disposing of food scraps, paper and rubbish in the appropriate manner and in the appropriate bins.

A key part of recycling is to encourage ‘Rubbish free’ lunches on a permanent basis and for students to take home any rubbish they bring to school. This gives student ownership and agency to reduce the amount of waste per student. Also reducing the amount of litter that can be blown around the school neighbourhood and creating the opportunity for recycling and composting.

All students are responsible for

-Placing all rubbish from home (aside from compost) back in their lunchboxes

-Encouraging a waste free approach at home and to utilise reusable containers

-Utilising compost bins for fruit and vegetable scraps (no bread is to go into the compost)

-Removing compost from classroom bins and placing in outside compost bins (student roles)

We encourage students to:

  • have a water bottle.
  • place all rubbish from home (aside from compost) back in their lunchboxes,
  • have reusable containers for lunches, snacks and brain food, 
  • have reusable lunch order bags,
  • buy food in bulk and transfer into reusable containers, instead of snack packs.




This tub has 14 servings of 70g

This packet has one serving 70g

Each serving works out to be 25 cents

Each serving works out to be 80c – 3 times more expensive!

Suggestions for a rubbish-free lunch:

  • Brain Food: Fresh fruit / vegetables. No need for wrapping!
  • Snack: Fruit or vegetables and some cheese and biscuits in a reusable container!
  • Lunch: Sandwich or wrap in a reusable lunchbox!

At CHPS we act responsibly in an area where we can exercise control – acting locally to make a global difference.

CHAMP is back for 2021

CHAMP is back! The school’s instrumental music program will be back up and running as normal from Tuesday February 9th. Your child has a choice to learn either singing, guitar, piano, bass or drums at school from one of the CHAMP teachers. Visit the website to read about the program, teachers or to enrol your child. Get in quick as spots are limited!