From the Deputies 

  Ruth Callery and Mary Craven

It is fantastic to see the students settling back into the school routines and getting used to the structure of the day.

This year there are two 40 minute outside playtimes, this may change the way you prepare lunch boxes. Built into each morning around 10am is a brain break to support the children being ready to learn. It is encouraged that all students have a piece of fruit or vegetable snack at that time, please include one in their lunchbox ready for them to eat. There will be two other additional eating times during the day.


Over the last week a number of conversations have centred around how tired the children are. As we continue to settle back into school routine and build stamina, sleep and rest are vital for our young (and not so young) people. The Australian Parenting Website has a terrific article: “How to sleep better: 10 tips for children (1 - 18years)”. 

  1. Set up a bedtime routine
  2. Relax before bedtime
  3. Keep regular sleep and wake times
  4. Keep older children’s naps early and short
  5. Make sure your child feels safe at night
  6. Check noise and light in your child’s bedroom including access to devices before bedtime
  7. Avoid the clock
  8. Eat the right amount at the right time
  9. Get plenty of natural light in the day
  10. Avoid caffeine

Many of the guidelines resonate for adults too. Please access the full article here. 


Learning and Teaching

In Term 1, the whole school focus for our Faith Based Inquiry Learning is Relationships. Students will read a range of scripture stories, identifying what Jesus teaches us about relationships. The Victorian Curriculum areas for this term are Civics and Citizenship, Health, Earth and Space Science and the Personal and Social Capability.

Extra Curricular

Instrumental Music lessons.

If you would like your child to learn a musical instrument, please see the office for further details and to pick up a flyer.