From the Principal 

Cathy Ferrari



As I reflect upon today, it is with a sense of pride that l have witnessed another action packed day at our beautiful school. 


This morning the Leadership Team consisting of Mrs Callery (Learning and Teaching and REL curriculum), Ms Craven (Learning Diversity and Wellbeing), Ms Paula (Literacy Leader) and myself attended our first SWIF Zoom session. SWIF is an acronym for School Wide Improvement Framework. Together with Catholic Primary Schools across Melbourne and consultants from Catholic Education Melbourne, each school establishes their goals for the year and navigates how these goal(s) will be achieved. The Leaders then work throughout the term with the teachers to put this into action. This is then built upon each term.  The continued capacity building of our staff ensures that our teaching is contemporary, explicitly meets the needs of each child and data is used to enable this. A thorough understanding and knowledge of the curriculum underpins this. 


From 2pm onwards it was wonderful to see parents, carers and teachers meeting to share information to best support each child at the Parent Exchange Meetings.  Working in partnership with families at St Mary’s is central to finding the light within each child. 

Another example of this partnership is our Welcome Drinks tomorrow night at The Dick Whittington Hotel. It appears to have been a sell out and I can happily say that another area has been opened to cater for larger numbers. Please see the flier attached. It promises to be a fun inclusive evening and a wonderful way to meet new people and reunite with ‘old’ friends. 


Tomorrow I am excited about our first assembly, led by our Year 6 Leaders.  Unfortunately last Friday was too wet. We now have access to the hall for back up, if outside is not possible.  A highlight of the assembly will be welcoming our new students, especially our Foundation students. They have settled in so well and are such a great addition to our school family.  We look forward to watching them flourish this year and beyond. 


A highlight of mine is visiting the students and getting to know them. Year 2 invited me in for a Q and A session, on Wednesday morning. I was asked about my family, my pets, what I did in my job and why l did so many duties! The Year 2s have so many ideas for our school and l look forward to them leading us in stewardship of God’s creation, starting with our lunch boxes and ‘nude’ or unwrapped food.  






















Looking ahead to next week, I can’t believe that Ash Wednesday is nearly upon us. Due to Covid restrictions the children and teachers will receive their ashes in the classroom as part of class prayer, instead of attending Mass. Thank you to Mrs Maureen Mac Donald for organising this. We congratulate our 2020 Confirmation Candidates from Tuesday night, and send our prayers and blessings to each of these young men and women. It was interesting to note that many took Francis as their Saint’s name! 


Wishing each of you a good week and I look forward to meeting many of you tomorrow night. 

Cathy Ferrari