Year 5/6

St Anthony's School Values

On Friday, 12th February the Year 5/6MC students hosted our first school assembly. We spoke about the St Anthony’s School Values which are: Respect, Inclusion, Empathy and Excellence.


We presented short plays that we had made up, acting out all the values, then we explained what each value meant.


Here are our definitions:


Respect  is being considerate and caring about the feelings, opinions, and propertyof others. It means to treat others the way we would like to be treated. 


Inclusion means that we need to make everyone feel like they belong, no matter what - whether they’re girls or boys, or tall or short, or white or brown or pink - everyone needs to feel included.


Empathy is when we try to understand how other people are feeling. It’s like putting yourself in someone else’s shoes and looking at things from their point of view.


Excellence: At St Anthony’s we want to always try to be the best we can be. That doesn’t mean I have to be the best in the class - it means I have to keep trying and trying until I AM THE BEST I CAN BE.


We know that Jesus said “Love one another as I have loved you” and we think that if we follow the School values we will all be living like Jesus is asking us to.

So let’s all try to live out our school values.


Sophie, Leon and Ilya

Year 5/6MC



Enrolments in Secondary Colleges

Catholic Secondary Colleges

Key enrolment dates for Year 5 students in 2021 starting Year 7 in 2023 are as follows:

  • applications open 27 January 2021
  • applications close on 20 August 2021
  • offers will be posted on 22 October 2021
  • offers to be accepted by 12 November 2021

Application forms are available from the colleges.


Victorian Government Colleges

Students in Year 6 will need to submit an application in Term 2. Application forms will be distributed to students at the beginning of Term 2 when they are available from the Department of Education.