Specialists Team

Maker Space

Students were challenged with creating a movie using the iMovie app on their iPad to create a video that used greenscreen special effects.

We turned a green item into something completely different. It was great to see students showing their flair for acting and pretending to be in far out places when they were actually in the classroom.


Clay bowls and pots created for Mothers Day

5/6 Monotone landscapes inspired by Gelantipy

SAKG (Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Program Program)

FROM SAKG following the topic of DIVERSITY!

Students were introduced to a grain called Polenta, highly used in the North of Italy. 

We made Polenta chips, with Rosemary which was harvested from the garden. 

We also made Greek biscuits called, KOULOURAKIA, which contained lemon from our beautiful lemon trees. Traditional patterns were rolled out, baked, eaten and extras were brought home, to share with family. 4A will get an opportunity to make these recipes next term. 


Shrek Junior rehearsals are well on the way!



Whole School Cross Country