From the Classrooms


It's been a busy Semester 1 in Preps... in the Classroom, Teddy Bears Picnic, Prep Imagination Garden and more

Level 1 & 2

During Remote Learning, the Grade One and Two students were asked to write a response to a beautiful picture taken by Mrs Beever at our school.


Mathematicians at work...sharing our thinking about real problems

Level 3 & 4

Children's Short Story Competition

Level 5 & 6


The Grade 5’s and 6’s got to go on an amazing trip to camp. We all went to Karoonda Park in Gelantipy. The staff were so welcoming to all of us. We rode on a flying fox, we rode horses, we went abseiling and so much more. We were able to conquer our fears of animals, heights and being away from home. We learnt all about the Australian creatures and nature. In the cabins we were in a room with some friends, as well as people we don’t know as much so we were able to make some new friends. All of the teachers who came looked after us if we felt sick, scared or sad. Overall, the camp was an amazing experience.

Tommy 6B


                                                   WHAT MADE CAMP SO GREAT!!!


In term two the Grade 5s and 6s went on camping trip to Gelantipy. It was a 6-hour trip, and boy was it worth it. We did daily activities and slept in warm beds facilitated by some of the kindest people I’ve ever met. We went white water rafting, abseiling, and zip lining. We got our own cabins with our friends and were treated to brekkie, lunch and dinner every day. This was one of the most amazing experiences of my life!


Charlie 6A



This term we’ve been learning about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures. We learnt about reconciliation, including Reconciliation Week, Sorry Day and the Stolen Generations. The Year 6 level have been doing CBL (Challenge Based Learning) tasks based on Reconciliation Week & Sorry Day. We have been promoting reconciliation through making actions and creating content like speeches and posters, to share with others, so that our community knows more.


We believe that Reconciliation Week is so important! Reconciliation Week reminds us about the Stolen Generation and what they went through, so we can learn from the past to create a more harmonious society. The children of the Stolen Generation have gone through so much, the trauma of their siblings and themselves still haunts them today. 


                                                         Arabella, Rubi and Raina 6B


                                                                                LIGHT MOVES


The Grade 6’s have had two scientists from Skunk Control come to visit them this term. They taught us about the basics of light and shared some cool light experiments. Some things they showed us were how light can be created and shaped, through experiments with liquid nitrogen (turning to gas) and hydrogen (explosives and flame). Next term we will continue our journey to making a natural light sculpture with Skunk Control. This will have our learning of light rocketing high. We look forward to this next stretch for us.


By Oscar (Science Captain) 6B