Upper Primary 8

How the year is flying by and to date, UP8 have been busy enjoying the first four weeks into Semester Two. This term we are looking forward to finding out about activities in the local area and reasons for their location. We are planning a trip to Rockhampton Zoo as well as the local supermarket, post office and garage and locating these places on a map.
In Maths we are learning to tell the time to the hour and half hour and understand the vocabulary associated with the passage of time. We are also learning to skip count in 2s, 5s and 10s and getting a handle on subtraction.
In English we are finding both symbols and text and also using Proloquo2Go to identify characters, actions and/or places within shared stories.
We have thoroughly enjoyed the fun activities when practising AUSLAN each week with Miss Andrea. We can now communicate a number of key words using Australian sign language.
Each week in music, we practice simple rhythms on the djembe drums and take turns to listen to our friends, as well as play together as a group