GRIP Leadership

The Year 6 Leadership and SAT Representatives spent all day on 25 May at the GRIP student Leadership Conference at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre with two and a half thousand other school leaders from primary schools all over Victoria.


GRIP stands for:






Students participated in sessions on ‘Developing Myself to Lead’, ‘Making a Difference to my Team’, ‘Making a Difference to my School’ and ‘Making a Difference to Society’. They interacted with the other students and shared information about the kinds of roles and responsibilities they hold at our own school, as well as discussing strategies about how they can take action on their ideas for positive change.


The day was full of inspirational ideas and reinforced a lot of the great things that we do at BNPS. Students were able to generate, collaborate and share ideas to improve our school. Everyone particularly enjoyed when our students were selected to represent BNPS on stage and interact in front of the crowd. 


All of the students should be proud of the way they represented BNPS, particularly the way they presented themselves, participated and interacted with peers and demonstrated leadership qualities. 

Well done BNPS!