Our time in OSHC in photos

Building with Connects 

“At OSHC I built this Connects war bat which is from Godzilla vs Kong. It has wings, it can fly and it is 32 centimetres long. I built it because I love to play a war games with my friends at OSHC club, where we all build our own ships.”

Sebastian L- 3A.





Cooking Club

Preparing and cooking food presents fantastic learning opportunities for students.  Not only do our students engage in math and science related concepts such as weight, measurement and chemical changes, they can also experiment with new foods, mediums and cooking techniques.  




Did you know

Did you know our OSHC students often use knives when cooking in Cooking Club? At BNPS OSHC we not only complete a risk benefit analysis prior to the activity, we also involve students to risk assess the activity for themselves. 

When using knives at OSHC we ensure the activity is very closely supervised and that students are aware, understand and can demonstrate the correct techniques prior to using a knife. Cutting with knives teaches important real-life skills, independence and as we have seen over and over again by allowing students to help prepare the food we find they are more likely to actually eat it!!


By providing students the opportunity to participate in ‘risky’ experiences we enable students to demonstrate their capabilities giving them a powerful sense of accomplishment which in turn builds a strong sense of self. 

“At Cooking Club, I had the best fun. We made potato wedges. First of all, we picked the potatoes out of the vegetable garden, washed them, sat around the table and cut up the potatoes in groups of two. We also made a sauce to go with it, then we put them in the air fryer. The first time we got five and the second time we had ten to eat”.

-Rebecca W, 1C


Account Reminder

There are a few accounts that remain overdue, please ensure these are paid as a matter of urgency to ensure your place at OSHC in Term 3. If you have experiencing any difficulties please email Kelly at oshc@beaumarisnorthps.vic.edu.au so that we can organise a payment plan. 


Quote of the Fortnight

Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life” – Dolly Parton 



As always, families are welcome to give us feedback about any aspect of the program. We welcome your input! Please feel free to come in and have a chat with Kelly, Amanda or Tamara or send Kelly an email oshc@beaumarisnorthps.vic.edu.au