Kindergarten News

Covid Communication

Current guidelines allow for Kinder to remain open for all families, we hope to see all our children this week. 

Please note that Stay and Play will be paused until COVID regulations allow. 

Dickins Room

It’s been a great first week back at Kinder for Term 3. Our Wimbi children had their first long session, which was really exciting for the children and teachers. The extended time led to some incredibly focused and settled engagement from the children and the changes in routines around lunch and rest were exciting moments of connection and belonging.


Our Marram class has come back settled and focused which has meant that we have been able to engage in more conceptual discussions and learning. The children have been curious about the weather and season, we have been discussing snow and ice, science principles around changes in state and matter and exploring this with hands on play and art.

We looked at ice under a digital microscope and are planning to explore this micro world in close up, more this week. 


Al and Mardi

Moore Room

We have had a wonderful start to Term Three in the Moore room. We have made play dough, which has enabled us to look at cause and effect, then used loose parts to create some snowflakes or ice formations as we view winter. We have talked about some rather large ice formations – specifically the Arctic and Antarctic. We used our Earth globe to work out North and South poles and through craft and small world play spaces we take a look at some of the inhabitants that reside there. These also allow for the children to use fine motor skills and spatial awareness as they manipulate the materials.


We have had some great outdoor moments as well. Gawarn group spent an afternoon in the school garden, enjoying looking at the seasonal vegetables. We looked at the trees and discussed what happens to them in winter. Of course some wonderful risk taking occurred with some adventurous climbing. Budja group were delighted to find a caterpillar, whom they have name Stripy. They discussed what foods it could eat and where it lives and we will investigate this further. We had a fun time pretending to be an inchworm / caterpillar – with a lot of wriggling and giggling. 

Despite the glorious looking oranges on our tree we did have a discussion around ‘are they ready to eat’. A great way to determine this was with a taste test and the majority agreed it was best to wait.


A lot of the children have returned with some awesome haircuts and a hair dressers area has been set up to explore identity through role play. There had been some amazing pirate ships being built with the big blocks outdoors and we look forward to pirate adventures. 


Have a wonderful week!

Kelly-Anne, Lauren, Cristina, Julie, Carol and Anna