Principal's Report
It’s hard to believe we are almost at the end of Term 2. Time has flown by and students have been very busy in their learning. Room 6 and Room 13 both went on excursions to the zoo to further their learning on animals and environment. Some of our students have been busy working in our garden. With very generous donations from Bunnings the students have painted pavers as stepping stones to put in the garden and one of the students constructed a bench for children to sit on while in the garden. We have also had a community library donated by Dana Wortley MP, constructed by the local Community Men’s Shed. This is in the process of being painted and will be erected nearby our school for community members to borrow and swap books. These are wonderful examples of community collaboration!
Our resident koala now has a name! A few weeks ago Koala Rescue responded to a call from a concerned resident as they thought she looked unwell. Koala Rescue came and got her checked by a vet who confirmed she is very healthy and is most likely around 4 and ½ years old. They have named her Kelsey, after one of the koala rescuers. Look out for Kelsey in our gum trees. Clifton, our sponsored koala is due to be released in the next week.
On Friday June 4th staff attended training on the Berry Street Trauma Informed Practice model. Staff learnt a variety of interactive, positive strategies to support student wellbeing and engagement for learning. It was a fabulous day of learning for all staff.
Sarah Crosby