Chaplain's Corner

It was so great to see many of you last night at the Open Night.  It is wonderful when we are able to come together.  Reminds us and our children that we are not alone and that in Community there is care and encouragement.  Well done to all the Staff who put together the evening.  I made some great purchases at the library myself!


There is health and wellbeing in the pause

This weekend I went for my usual Saturday jog. Along this path is a tree that made me pause.  It is a strong tree and has a few strong branches but not many leaves.  You can see that it stands the test of time and has been weathered.  It made me think about each of us and my own life too. I want to use a bit of an analogy that I hope will help each of you at this time.

Tree Trunk: This could considered our core beliefs and values.  The trunk does not get swayed in the breeze with popular opinion or world events.  Although sometimes our core beliefs will be rocked for sure but in the end this is where our stability lies.  Take time to evaluate what is truly important to you right now in this time, right here in August 2021.  Stop, take 3 deep breathes and write down what is most important to you.


Tree branches:  if you notice the tree in this picture it doesn’t have too many branches.  They are quite strong too.  The branches of our lives are things like our health, our family and close community, our work and finances, food, clothing and shelter.  These are the things we priorities daily.  The first things first in our lives.  The important things.


Leaves:  These are the things that can easily blow away.  They make the tree beautiful and show new growth but they are the there because of the strength of the rest of the tree. These are things like, friends, social media, other people’s opinions and the other matters in our lives that if done right can cause us to bloom but they are definitely not essential for survival.


This past Friday Lifeline had the most calls it has ever had in one day. Health and Wellbeing are no joke and you don’t have to hide your struggle.  We are in this together.  You are NEVER alone and you are important.  Please reach out. 

  1. Visit your GP and have a discussion about you or your child's health.
  2. Download a helpful app to your phone.  Beyond Blue has an app called “My safety plan and it helps identify your warning signs, supports, safe spaces and things you can do when you are by yourself.  I personally have this app!
  3. Call one of the support lines:

Don’t forget you have much within you and more than you likely realise right now.  Turn off the chatter for a bit and look within and if the answers aren’t there someone has a hand reached out to guide you - reach out!  Until next time take care of yourself and each other!

Tammy Bija

School Chaplain

Monday and Friday