Principal's Message

It was so wonderful to see so many parents at the 'Tour de School' open night last night, despite the windy weather! Marangaroo Primary has a wonderful sense of community, and last night was a great example of this. Congratulations and well done to the children for all the hard work they put into the work that went on display. Thanks also to our fantastic staff for preparing the rooms for the evening - such a huge effort.


A huge thanks also to the P&C who put on a sausage sizzle for all in attendance. The option of dinner out seemed a popular choice, with the P&C being run off their feet for most of the night!




Last week I got to experience our first Caring C reward afternoon at Marangaroo, with students who reached their target of Caring C tokens participating in a reward activity at the end of Friday. Students had lots of fun activities to choose from as a result of their great efforts since the beginning of the term. 


As was communicated earlier in the year, I wish to remind everyone that after this term, students will not be allowed to play outside if they do not have a sunsmart hat to wear. The P&C are currently swapping the older-style bucket hats for the newer ones, for an upgrade cost of $8, so please head to the uniform shop if you still have the older ones.


Next Friday, I am looking forward to heading to the RAC Arena to see the choir students from Years 3 - 6 perform at the One Big Voice performance. Notes are going out today for this exciting opportunity for those students, who have put a big effort into preparing the the day.


Adrian Keenan
