Acting Principal's Report

Acting Principal’s Report - 23rd July 2021

Welcome back to Term 3. I hope you and your family had an enjoyable school holiday. 

Whilst Greg Lacey is taking some long service leave, I am the acting principal. It is a great pleasure to be in the role and support the learning of our students, staff and community. 

Well, I’ve attempted to write this report several times to give an update on what is happening with regards to Lockdown 5. As always we will provide you with as much information as possible about school operations. 


Lockdown 5 – Wellbeing & Engagement

Going back into lockdown can be confronting for many people. This includes our children, our staff and our community. We will continue to focus on wellbeing and engagement during Remote and Flexible Learning. Classroom teachers will meet each day with their students for a zoom check-in. These meetings are important. It enables connection between teachers and students, but also students with students. What we have noticed coming in and out of lockdowns previously is those students who attend these sessions find the transition into onsite learning easier. This is because set routines are things that we can control and provide us with some normality. There are some things we can control amongst the decisions that place us into lockdowns. I have a linked a piece that was written last year that has helped me and my family in establishing routines. (

Among the staff, we have spoken about being positive. Having a positive mindset enables us to not only think positively but often act positively. We still recognise the difficulties the current climate presents, however, if we focus on the positives then willing and able to deal with what we face next.


For parents and carers, please note that the engagement and wellbeing of your children at this point is most important. This includes yourself. There will be activities placed on Seesaw and/or Google Classrooms for students to complete and we recommend students participate. However, if you are finding it a battle on some days, that’s ok. I understand having three children in a primary school and with my wife and I working full time that trying to get all tasks done some days is difficult. It is important to judge the purpose of the learning. If I am forcing something on my children to the detriment of their wellbeing as well as my own, then what am I pushing? This can feel like a balancing act at times. At times I feel they can do more, however with a number of my children’s events being recently cancelled or postponed again I can empathise with how they feel.

Hopefully, we aren't in this scenario for long. As I write (Monday afternoon) we don’t have a clear picture for when students may return to face to face learning. We are hoping for sooner rather than later. 



Last week students participated in NAIDOC week activities in the classroom. This included gaining a greater understanding of our first peoples and the connections to the land and waters. Many of our students helped to produce a large rainbow serpent along with other cultural specific activities in celebration of NAIDOC week. 

Unfortunately due to the Department of Education and Training Guidelines, we were unable to have the smoking ceremony, didgeridoo playing and native plant basket weaving activities. However, we have postponed these activities to later in the term.


Parent-Teacher Interviews

Parent-teacher interviews are happening on Tuesday 27th July. This is a great opportunity to speak with the teachers on the ways learning can be supported at home. Teachers will provide information about how your child is operating in the classroom and possible goals for future learning. Booking details for these meetings have been emailed. If you haven’t received one please contact the office. 


In the meantime stay safe and well.



Jamie Sharp

Acting Principal