OSHClub News

OSHClub News

This month we welcome Leonie Keilour to Mount Pleasant Road OSHClub. Leonie will be working throughout August while Haylie is away completing her university placement. While away for most of August, we will still see Haylie here and there for a few days between placement blocks. 

Updated Mask Requirements 

The following updated mask requirements apply to education and care (ECEC) services as of 1.59pm on Wednesday 14 July 2021 :


·        Face masks must be worn by staff, visitors, and parents and carers when indoors at a service. This includes during child pick up and drop off, and when attending an outside school hours care (OSHC) program.

·        Children under 12 years of age are not required to wear face masks when attending an OSHC program.

·        Educators and are not required to wear face masks while educating or caring for children, but those who wish to do so, can. 

QR Code Check-in

Please continue to come to the OSHClub room door to drop off or pick up your children. If you need to enter the room to support your child's transition to or from OSHClub, you are now required to scan the displayed Victorian Government QR Code.


QR codes will be required to be used by all visitors who enter indoor spaces, including:

  • all parents and carers.
  • all visitors, including contractors and external OSHClub staff.

The QR code does not replace the usual sign-in and sign-out procedure – this is still required.


When does the QR code need to be used?

Not RequiredRequired
  • When a parent/carer remains outside of the room and does not enter into the space.
  • When a parent/carer enters the room.

Making and Doing at OSHClub

Last week there was a lot of interest in learning to sew. Children used a great deal of patience, persistence and tenacity while learning basic sewing techniques, like how to thread a needle and how to hand stitch using a neat running stitch. There have been some fantastic little cushions and squishies made by even some of the youngest children who had a go!


We made more chalkboard slime last week. Our OSHClub slime bucket is now very full! This time we added cornflour to our mixture, which gave the slime a less sticky and more putty-like texture. Perfect for drawing on with chalkboard markers!

Parent Information

Enrolling Your Child

For new enrolments, please go to www.oshclub.com.au. There you will find the 'Register Your Child' tab under the 'Families' tab.  This will take you to the iParent Portal account sign up page. Once signed up, search for Mount Pleasant Road OSHClub under the 'Find a Place' tab and follow the instructions. Once your enrolment is complete it will be forwarded to the service for review. 

Drop off and Pick Up Procedure

Parents are welcome onsite to drop off and collect children from OSHClub. Please only come to the door and not inside the room. Please also ensure that you are wearing a mask.


As part of our COVID-19 risk management plan, an OSHClub staff member will continue to sign children in and out on the iPad until further notice.

Cancellation of Bookings

IMPORTANT: If your child is booked in for an after school care session and that booking is no longer required, please cancel the booking on the iParent Portal. If you are cancelling on the day, please contact us on the program phone before 3:15pm. 


We are responsible for all children booked into our care. If a child does not arrive to after school care when booked in to attend, we will need to confirm the whereabouts of the child by contacting parents/guardians and emergency contacts. If we cannot successfully do this, it then becomes a missing child incident and will need to be referred to police. 


As you can imagine, this can be very stressful! 


Thanks for your cooperation by notifying us of any after school care absences moving forward.


Online bookings for each session close 24 hours in advance. 

If online bookings have closed, and you would like to make or cancel a booking, please SMS the program phone on 0427 144 945.


OSHClub Program Phone: 0427 144 945

Program Coordinator: Jane Evans

Permanent Educator: Haylie Farrall

OSHClub Head Office: 1300 395 735